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Since we compete as a mixed team of 4 persons in extreme conditions for many days,  team work is what drives us forward. We have a lot to share, either for individuals willing to improve their ability to work in teams or for companies aiming at providing their employees some great team building.

Apart from racing, the team is also busy organizing challenging outdoor activities specialized in team building for all public and different purposes. The activities are designed to improve trust, communication and teamwork among co-workers and teams in general.  Contact us and we will show you how we can strengthening your team.



Team Building


60 to 90-minute motivational speeches showing our race experience, pictures and breathtaking videos. We let the public lead the questions and we can extend it as much as needed.




Race Organization

The team has been organizing short adventure races for beginners in the sport since 2010.  The objective is to bring the sport to all types of public regardless of age and experience. The team now is the main responsible for the Columbia Raid Series, which has been carrie out in the North of Spain for the last two years, with more than eight races in different towns.



Corporative Training

Adventure Race is a very complex sport where fitness is just a detail. What makes a team good at Adventure Racing is a combination of several aspects such as: Strategic Planing, Logistic, Training, Risk Management, Communication, Teamwork and Leadership. Our team has strengths in all these topics. We would love to share how we apply them in our lifes and sport in order to  achieve our goals. Contact us for more details.



Training Camp

The team is preparing the 2015 Adventure Training Camp in California, USA. It will be a week full of challenging and fun activities to improve your mental and physical skills. Get ready!



© 2015 created by Blue3Studio

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